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Problems With Lilo Team
Lilo Team has many problems. This page
was created to address those problems.
And maybe one day those problems will
be fixed.
Problem 1: People hate Lilo's Adventure advertisements.
People on Scratch hate Lilo's Adventure 9 because there were too many advertisements of Lilo's Adventure 9. 
People also hate Lilo's Adventure advertisements in real life.
Real life Lilo ads are posters.
Boys at high school hate Lilo the dog ad posters. One boy tried to
rip apart a Lilo poster and another boy said: "What the F##k is Lilo?"
People hate Lilo's Adventure ads. 
At the end of the school year. The leadership class removed all posters from the walls including the Lilo Team ad poster.
Problem 2: Lilo isn't popular anymore.
The Lilo 7, Lilo 8, Lilo 9, Lilo 10 era was the time when Lilo games were really popular because many Lilo ads were on Scratch back
then. 1ufo changed Lilo Team's advertising tactic when Lilo 10 was released so Lilo 10 got less views than Lilo 9. 
1ufo let Lilo4Real make Lilo 11. Lilo4Real put inappropriate stuff in Lilo 11 and Lilo 11 only got 7 views before Lilo 11 was banned.
Lilo 11 was re-released on Gamejolt. Most of Lilo's fans are on Scratch so Lilo 11 on Gamejolt wasn't very popular. 
1ufo got depressed when Lilo's game series became really unpopular. Then LT Cool and his friends started a new trend online about hating on Lilo's game series. 
1ufo got really angry and depressed. People started calling 1ufo emo or edgy. I feel bad for 1ufo.
Problem 3: There are way too many haters and people betraying Lilo Team.
There are many Lilo Team haters on Scratch and at 1ufo's school.
Many kids at 1ufo's school harassed 1ufo and the Lilo series because 1ufo has autism. That's just mean. I hate it when teens or kids harass people all because they think they can. I want to help people that are being bullied or harassed, especially if their being bullied because they have a disability. 
I hope the haters and the nightmares will go away soon.
On 6/30/2018:
Lilo4Real was about to post Lifehacker Neonblue Ease on Game Jolt. But Game Jolt didn't let her post it. Lilo4Real read GameJolt's terms of use. 
In GameJolt's Terms Of Use, on one paragraph, called Posting Rules. It talks about no posting obscene content. Obscene content examples: threatening, harassing, abusive, hateful, racist, infringing or otherwise objectionable or inappropriate.
It said this scene in Lifehacker Neonblue Ease is racist.
The scene is about Amber Flarefire and Wheels The Motorcycle.
In the scene, Amber jumps onto wheels the motorcycle. Amber wants to ride him. But wheels uses a spring trap to bounce Amber
off. Amber falls onto the ground and dies.
Then wheels the motorcycle drives away.
This scene is supposed to be funny but the scene can be easily mis-understood as racist.
Lifehacker Neonblue Ease also contains copyrighted music,
Lilo4Real would have to make her own music for the game.
1ufo's family is going on vacation in 1 week. So there isn't enough time to make music for the game. 
Lilo4Real downloaded "VaySoft SWF to EXE" to get her Scratch games onto GameJolt. Sadly, her 30 day trial is going to run out
I guess Lifehacker Neonblue Ease is doomed.
1ufo posted on 7/3/2018:
So much hate... So much unforgivable people... In only 3 years... I... I cannot believe this... 
At school... Online... It never ends...
They are watching me... They are watching you...
There is no escape...
People have called me stupid, an idiot, edgy, gay, emo, jackass, asshole, dumbass, cuck, useless, annoying, anti social, heartless, unpopular, retarded, ugly freak, and lame.
I can still remember each person's insults crystal clear...
It's like a wound that will never heal...
I will never give up...
I will get my revenge...
1ufo's Theme - Lifehacker Neonblue Ease
00:00 / 00:00

The End Of Lilo

Lilo's Series has lasted for 3 years. 11 Lilo games have come out.
And Lilo has gained popularity and many dedicated fans. Lilo has gained many fans and lost many fans. Lilo the dog is no stranger to controversy. Lilo's Adventure 9 is Lilo's most controversial game. Lilo's Adventure 9 was frowned upon by many because of Lilo Team's controversial advertising tactic.
Lilo's Adventure 11 was banned because Lilo4Real put inappropriate content in the game. Lilo's Adventure 11 got 7 views before it was banned. 
People on Scratch like to stay away from controversial people.
1ufo has become extremely controversial over the years and lost many fans recently.
Also, The Lilo series has become very repetitive. With all 11 games containing mostly the same old characters and gameplay. People get annoyed by people that post projects about the same exact characters over and over. People want to see brand new game series that are not Lilo related.
Also, The Lilo Team is getting more Five Nights At Freddy's related. And many people hate Five Nights At Freddy's.
Many kids at 1ufo's school are extremely rude to 1ufo because 1ufo likes Five Nights At Freddy's. They will never know the joy of creation.
Also, Lilo is a real dog in real life. Lilo is a girl, not a boy.
Lilo is 1ufo's dog. Lilo is a 9 year old Jack Russell Terrier.
Lilo is pretty old in dog years. It's going to be really sad when
Lilo dies. 1ufo is going to be even more depressed when his dog Lilo dies. Let's hope Lilo lives long.
That's the end of the article. Hopefully the Lilo series can return some day. And maybe Lilo can become popular again. 
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