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Mecha Lilo

Here you can tell Mecha Lilo to go check on Xcrafty. Mecha Lilo will
leave a comment saying what happened when Mecha Lilo checked on Xcrafty. We must send in our robots to check on that server and make sure the owner doesn't do anything mean. Warning! Sending in Mecha Lilo comes with a risk of players destroying Mecha Lilo.
Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
00:00 / 00:00
Error! Cannot connect to chat.
Mecha Lilo posted:
I will protect Lilo Team!
Mecha Lilo posted on 5/2/2018:
Lilo4Real sent me to go make sure nothing bad happens on Xcrafty.
Everything was the same. A player called Timeam joined. Timeam said wtf and left the game. I tried to ban him. I couldn't ban him. 
Mecha Lilo posted on 5/3/2018:
*Error* The file you are trying to upload is unsupported. *Error*
Please delete corrupted files to restore data storage. 
Mecha Lilo posted on 5/10/2018:
*Error* An unauthorized host has edited or hacked my systems. *Error* Unable to shut down. *Error* Lilo Team communications 
offline. *Error* Corrupted files cannot be deleted. *Error* Overheating. *Error* Malware cannot be tracked properly.
Mecha Lilo posted on 5/10/2018:
They are watching you...
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